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20D induction pipe bending machine
Hei Yan supply 20D induction pipe bending machine.
20D bends normally used in bridge,park scene,construction areas.
20D induction pipe bending machine is combined by bottom bracket,pushing board,cylinders,pump stain and Medium Frequency Power Source.
20D induction pipe bending machine 's bottom bracket used to fix the foundation and support pushing board,bottom bracket required good plain tolerance in order to sure about pushing work.
Pushing board used to connect cylinder to do push and back actions.
Working panel has front pipe tight device,used to clamp the pipe to go ahead for bending.
Back support board used to clamp ,fix the tail of pipe,Hei Yan clamp device is slope style,it make pipe much tight when push ahead.
Cylinders are heart of 20D bending machine,cylinder size confirmed by bender sizes,cylinder material is steel rod,via boring lathe gets final core.
Side shocker is a device for bender radius,pipe come accross the rollers,will get 20D benders.
Medium frequency power source provide required energy when working.
Cooling tower used to cool the heating induction power source to protect inside components.
Bender produced by 20D induction pipe bending machine is less accuracy than PLC auto induction pipe bending machine,but 20D bends mostly used in construction,bridges,so 20D induction pipe bending machine is favorable.